The First Step is to choose your deposit that fits your pocket.
After you have chosen your deposit you then select your agreement length and you anticipated mileage.
We will then try to tailor a package to meet your specific needs. It will then give you a monthly instalment, interest rate and a guaranteed future value.
Your instalments get calculated when Ford deducts your deposit and the Vehicles guaranteed future value at the start of the agreement. Your regular payments are based on the balance, plus the interest on this and your guaranteed future value.
After your agreement term you will have three options
You can the Renew. In other words, you can trade in your vehicle get your guaranteed future value and then choose your new vehicle.
Option two you can retain the vehicle you can the buy the vehicle at your guaranteed future value.
Option three is return.
You hand back the vehicle for your pre-agreed guaranteed future value.
This gives you protection against any unexpected shortfall or a fall in the used vehicle prices.
Before your return, your Ford dealer will do a complete vehicle appraisal and as long as your vehicle meets our fair wear and tear standards, and your mileage is within agreed then there will be nothing further to pay.
Ford Options | The brand new way to drive a brand new Ford.