Here are several simple ways South African motorists can mitigate the impact of these latest fuel increases.

A fuel-saving mindset and driving style can make a big difference at the pumps and to your pocket. Below are some valuable tips that can help you be a greener, more fuel-efficient driver both on- and off-road.
Choose a fuel-efficient engine
Both the Ford Ranger and Everest are available with a range of engines that have been designed and developed to deliver an impressive combination of performance and efficiency. In the most recent WesBank Fuel Economy Tour, Ford’s 2.0-litre Single Turbo engine saw the Ford Ranger beat all its rivals and take class victory with a winning fuel consumption figure 6.8l/100km.

Drive sensibly
Aggressive acceleration and braking can increase your fuel consumption by up to 30%. What you want to do is accelerate gently. Once you’re at the speed limit, maintain the posted limit while scanning the road ahead. If you do spot a traffic issue up ahead, lift off the throttle earlier to reduce speed gradually, rather than diving on the brakes at the last minute only to accelerate hard again to reach the desired speed. One handy hint when you’re driving on the highway is to make use of cruise control. This will help maintain the posted speed limit without sudden fuel-sucking fluctuations in speed; just remember to deactivate the cruise control when there are hazardous driving conditions.

Speed matters
It’s simple, the faster you go, the more fuel you’ll use. Up to around 80km/h, the energy required to overcome wind resistance on a vehicle is minimal. But push beyond that, and drag increases exponentially. Driving 80km/h in a 100km/h zone might get you great economy, but it will also frustrate your fellow motorists. So, use common sense and be aware that the harder your vehicle has to work, the more fuel you’ll use.

Talking tyres
Ensure your vehicle’s tyres are inflated as per the manufacturer’s recommendation (usually located on a sticker on the door sill – or in the owner’s manual). The importance of properly inflated tyres goes beyond just reducing rolling resistance and improving fuel efficiency: it’s also about vehicle safety. Over-inflate your tyres, and you risk reduced grip and increased wear. Similarly, drive with tyre pressures too low. You’ll increase the rolling resistance, which means your vehicle will be working harder to travel at the same speed.

Service is serious
Make sure you keep your vehicle regularly serviced. Your Ford dealership will run your vehicle through a barrage of checks during each service, picking up on things like faulty sensors that can lead to increased fuel use. For instance, fixing a faulty oxygen sensor could improve your vehicle’s fuel efficiency by around 40%. Similarly, using the wrong engine oil in your vehicle can affect fuel consumption by up to 2%.

At CMH Ford Randburg, we care about our customers and their pockets. Come in and visit us to get your vehicle’s tyres checked and serviced to help with your Fuel Efficiency.
Call: 087 724 8840
Visit Us: Crn Hill St and Long Ave, Ferndale, Randburg
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