The team at CMH Kempster Ford Durban is absolutely thrilled to be the proud vehicle sponsor of GRACE FAMILY CHURCH. In recognition of their incredible dedication, commitment, and passion, CMH Kempster Ford Durban has provided them with a brand-new Ford Ranger to assist the missions and justice department. Here at CMH Kempster Ford Durban, we are all about making a difference by assisting and supporting genuine community initiatives.
The mission and justice ministry facilitate two areas, namely: Relief aid and Development. The aim is to provide aid, engage and develop the materially disadvantaged, through various programs and ministry partnerships. Relief aid focuses on shipping containers of food, medical, educational as well as household items. The development banner concentrates on poverty alleviation through community development initiatives such as: English language courses and job readiness training. According to the missions and justice report 2019 on average, 206 metric tons of supplies and food were received and distributed to disadvantaged communities and 1059 homeless people clothed. Once again, CMH Kempster Ford Durban applauds Grace Family Church on their sterling commitment to uplift, educate and empower people from all walks of life. We hope that your new Ford Ranger will create memories and lend a helping hand when it is needed most. CMH Kempster Ford Durban 901 Umgeni Road 031 313 0800 / 087 724 8624