The winter driving season is upon us, and for your safety, it is crucial to schedule a vehicle winter check at CMH Ford Ballito before the temperatures drop. By entrusting our skilled professionals with your vehicle, you can rest assured that your automobile will be ready for winter driving.

Don’t wait until winter arrives – anticipate that rainy and cold weather. Get your Ford booked in advance to prepare for the cold season.
Is a vehicle winter check important?
Without a shadow of a doubt, a winter check is necessary to ascertain your Ford is in pristine driving condition for the season. As a result, you will avoid unnecessary conveniences and enjoy a safe driving experience.
Avoid unnecessary road hassles and stress
Discovering that your wipers or sprays are frozen, your car won’t start or clear the windscreen can be annoying. And if your car breaks down while you’re away from home, that’s much worse.

Imagine discovering once you are out on the road that your radiator has cracked and leaked coolant, causing your engine to overheat. Cause more problems as well as more money you could have avoided all this with an inspection.
CMH Ford Ballito can help you prepare your car for winter
To avoid all this, get your inspection at CMH Ford Ballito to ensure that the vehicle contains the correct antifreeze for every condition, battery check, tyres, brakes check, and overall vehicle assessment to give you peace of mind.

Book your winter check service with CMH Ford Ballito.
35 -37 Moffat Drive Ballito Business Park Dolphin Coast 087 723 9278