CMH KEMPSTER FORD PRETORIA NORTH would like to welcome Mrs Charmaine van der Merwe as the New car’s sales manager.

Charmaine has been in the industry for over 20 years with 11 years as a sales manager, we are very excited to be under her guidance and supervision as she is highly skilled at what she does. Charmaine says throughout the years she has learnt that if you look after your customers they will look after you and that is the reason why her motto is: People are more important than cars!
Her experience and expertise will be a great benefit to her sales team as they live out her motto daily through delivering EXCELLENT customer service, Charmaine says her door is always open to customer queries as they become a big part of the family and they should always feel welcome and at ease at the dealership.
Welcome Mrs Van der Merwe and congratulations on becoming part of the team, we look forward to serving our customers with you and delivering more vehicles to them and sharing the company’s success with you.
Please Visit CMH Ford Pretoria North to meet her and her Team and to also learn about their special offers today!
Facebook: @cmhkempsterfordpretorianorth
Google+: CMH Ford Pretoria North
Tel: 012 404 9200